Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Supreme Court of the United States denied the Hirmers' Petition for writ of certiorari

If you at all wonder why I often say, "The Law Is a Fraud!" This is why! Law = Theology.
It is always open to interpretation by the ruling "revelators;" prophets, lawyers, judges of the day. There are NO absolutes, NO immutability, NO divine revelation! The only absolute in the law is the ruling revelator's willingness to use lethal coercion to enforce their interpretation of TheoLawlogy.
This is why Your belief in and reliance upon this shifting quicksand of "lawfulness" must come to an end. Embrace your inner outlaw! Attend to the only law that has ever naturally existed, Natural Law. Embrace what "Nature's God" has shown by example, the Talion Law. The right to retributive justice.
Quit going to the "matrix" for justice. The truism is oft repeated ad nauseum that, "No man is above the law." Humbuggery, Balderdash and Drool!! Man has ALWAYS placed himself above the law because it is up to man to interpret "the law." PoLice, prosecutors, lawyers and judges place themselves above the law everyday by their interpretations of what the "law" means and how to enforce it. Grammar, semantics, hermeneutics means nothing to those whose pattern and practice is deception and brigandism.
Below is evidence again of wherewith I speak!
Nemo me impune lacessit!

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The Supreme Court of the United States denied the Hirmers' Petition for writ of

Despite having uncontroverted evidence that several states intentionally amended
the language of the 16th Amendment as proposed by Congress, conduct the
government admits violates Art. V of the Constitution, district court judges in
Pensacola, Florida and Chicago, Illinois, the entire panel of the 7th Circuit
court of appeals, three judges in the 11th Circuit court of appeals, and at
least five judges of the Supreme Court (I don't know if any of the judges voted
to grant cert) have each violated their oaths to support and defend the

The denial of the petition for writ of cert in the Benson case has ended that
case. The criminal trial of the Hirmers is scheduled to commence on March 1st. I
am currently preparing for trial. The trial is expected to last between three
and six months.

So what is next now that we know for a certainty that the federal courts are
closed to protecting the Constitution, and the people, from fraud of the
Executive branch of government in the collection of the federal income tax, and
are closed to protecting the First and Fifth amendment rights of those who would
expose that fraud?

I believe it is now incumbent upon the people to press Congress to remove the
culprit judges from office for bad behavior through the impeachment process. The
second is that the people need to press Congress to declare the 16th Amendment
not ratified. Third, is that the people need to take action to widely publicize
the conduct of the federal judiciary and the attorneys working for the goverment
in order to bring about the first and second actions.

Hopefully, there are those among you with the fortitude to assume positions of
leadership to bring about the above suggestions.


Jeffrey A. Dickstein
Attorney at Law
500 W. Bradley Rd., C-208
Fox Point, WI 53217
(414) 446-4264

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